“I believe in food as medicine, and healing dogs from the inside out”
Canine Nutrition
What we feed our dogs has a profound impact on their health. The food you choose for your dog is one of the most important decisions you will make. Feeding fresh whole foods is the key to our dogs' best health.
The drive of a natural diet is towards a wild-type diet. The dog has evolved over thousands of years to eat certain raw foods. These foods then, logically, must be best suited to optimal health. I believe in food as medicine, and healing dogs from the inside out.
Dog nutrition entails meeting your dog’s nutritional requirements with a well-balanced, appropriately proportioned, and varied fresh whole foods diet to maintain its overall health and wellbeing. Like human beings, dogs are omnivores. Their digestive systems have evolved to benefit from both plant and animal-based ingredients. Therefore, they need a balanced diet of proteins, fats, fibre, minerals, and vitamins from fresh whole foods.
The theory behind a natural diet is that dogs and cats have evolved to eat raw food and have been eating it since their ancestors crawled out of the oceans. Logically, if you feed a diet that is readily recognised, efficiently digested and easily assimilated by the mammalian body, you will get less antagonism between food and teeth, food and gut, food and the immune system.
Feeding your dog the right diet can help keep them healthy for years to come.
We are able to treat IBS syndrome, colitis cases, atopy (genetic predisposition of developing allergy-related diseases such as asthma, dermatitis, food allergies, or rhinitis) and dental problems in dogs which often respond quickly and permanently.
The good news, the modern ills of ‘lack of energy’, bad breath, poor coat, scurf, doggy smell, obesity, fussy eaters and recurrent loose stools just become a thing of the past.